About me

Gosha design

I have been a designer of artistic fabric and clothes ever since I can remember.

I have always been interested in fabric and the interesting things that can be made of it. Beside clothes ,

I have also made tapestry and decorative objects for interior decoration, such as curtains, coverlets, pillows.

The art of Africa, South America, North America and Australia constitutes a vast source of inspiration to me.

Often, nature itself and my surroundings provide certain ideas and patterns for work.

 I also use natural stones and minerals to ornament my linen belts and linen bags, as well as decorative elements of some clothes. I really do not like repeating the same patterns and hence that great variety in decorating fabric.

Most often, I design linen fabrics, though I sometimes reach for cotton and wool. Linen is a very inspiring fabric. Sometimes, it has a lot of natural imperfections, which I utilise as an asset in designing.

In my work, the sun is my natural ally. Painted fabrics which are dried in full sun acquire rich and unique colours.

Quite often, I border those painted marks with linen string in order to emphasise the shape and bring out the depth of colour.

I like designing sweatshirts, shirts, trousers and ponchos most. They are meant both for women and men. My customers are people who like daring and crazy apparel, people who are extravagant and open.

I am a loner type person, but do not avoid people. From time to time, I must find myself in the centre of a big city, meet my friends, and listen to dynamic music .

I am glad that I have the skill of watching and noticing everything around me and then transforming it into a picture that may bring joy to others






Fashion Style

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